
Gain real-time accessibility, flexibility, and control

Gain real-time accessibility, flexibility and control with systems that respond to your level of integration capabilities. Navigator, our proprietary system, enables efficient, effective exchange of data between the NLS warehouse management system (WMS) and our clients’ systems—from very basic through to the most sophisticated level of data communication and integration.

Technology that supports your business goals

NLS provides all the tools and resources to reach consumers in Canada and beyond, including:

State of the Art, Tier I WMS

In-house Technical Development Team

Proprietary “Navigator” System

Business intelligence

NLS understands that it’s as much about providing useful information as it is about moving your product. Our information-rich BI software helps our clients:

Each client is assigned an NLS support team who intimately understands your business, manages and measures the performance indicators important to you and your supply chain, and translates business intelligence into opportunities for continued improvement.